Residents Grapple with Extended Power Outages and Scarcity of Essential Supplies


In the wake of a severe weather event that struck Northeast Ohio, including four tornadoes, residents are facing an ongoing struggle to manage their homes and families due to prolonged power outages.

The aftermath of the storm has left many without electricity for over 48 hours, intensifying the quest for essential supplies like ice and generators. Larry McManamon, a resident of Avon, described his situation, stating, “I have no power. I had significant wind damage to my roof.” McManamon was spotted at the Avon Lions Club Community Center, where a dumpster had been set up for residents to dispose of spoiled food. “I had a freezer full of food in the basement and my refrigerator. Now, I’m getting rid of all that stuff,” he added.

McManamon, who faces a potential wait until August 14 for power restoration, expressed his frustration, saying, “I wish I had a generator. I’m definitely going to invest in one.”

The search for specific items has turned into a challenge. Jesse Fisher from ABC Equipment Rental & Sales in Avon reported, “It’s been crazy. We’re all out of our generators.” Fisher noted that both large retailers and local hardware stores are depleted or charging exorbitant prices for these crucial items. Shipping delays are exacerbating the issue for those attempting to order generators online.

When asked about his advice for customers, Fisher said, “I’ve been directing people to other rental companies.”

Ice has also become a coveted resource as families strive to preserve groceries, keep medications cool, and maintain comfort. While many gas stations and small businesses are out of ice, Marc’s stores across Northeast Ohio are well-stocked. Nick Bosak, Regional Manager for Marc’s, explained, “Ice is in high demand right now. We’re staying in close contact with our suppliers to keep our orders coming in.” As of Thursday afternoon, eight Marc’s locations, including the Avon store, remained operational on generator power. Bosak highlighted the company’s investment in ensuring readiness during emergencies.

The Avon Marc’s store, which typically uses one pallet of ice weekly, has exhausted four pallets since Tuesday. Rob Butrey, an Avon resident, recounted his experience, saying, “I couldn’t find ice anywhere until I stumbled upon Marc’s. I was lucky to get 40 pounds of ice.” He returned the following morning for more supplies, including dog food.

Many shoppers have turned to social media to locate available supplies and avoid wasting time and effort in their search.

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