Despite the ongoing wildfires threatening parts of Los Angeles, legendary actor Dick Van Dyke and his wife, Arlene Silver, have chosen to remain in their Malibu home. The couple’s $8 million property has so far been spared from the flames, though their guest house suffered minor fire damage.
Arlene Silver provided updates on Instagram, explaining that while the main house is safe, they are currently without power. To cope, the couple is using a gas generator to maintain essential functions. They are also relying on their camper to cook meals and charge electronic devices.
Silver has been working hard to keep her 97-year-old husband comfortable and entertained during the ordeal. She described Van Dyke as a “trooper” for handling the situation with resilience. The couple has no plans to evacuate, as Silver noted that Van Dyke feels most at ease in their Malibu home, and it’s easier for her to care for him there.
This isn’t the first time the couple has faced wildfire threats. Just last month, they were forced to evacuate during another fire scare. Neighbors stepped in to help protect their property, preventing further damage to the guest house. Upon returning home, the couple was relieved to find their cat, Bobo, safe and unharmed.
As the fires continue to burn, Van Dyke and Silver remain determined to stay put, relying on their resourcefulness and the support of their community to weather the crisis.