Ukrainian Schoolboy Creates Innovative Wind Generator for Low-Wind Conditions


Ukrainian Schoolboy

A Ukrainian schoolboy from Kamianets-Podilskyi Lyceum No. 1, Artem Yasynskyi, currently in the 6th grade, has garnered attention for his innovative creation: a vertical wind generator designed to operate efficiently even in low-wind conditions. Artem unveiled his invention at the national competition “Energy Efficiency and Ecology for Schoolchildren.”

According to a post on the Kamianets-Podilskyi City Council’s Facebook page, Artem’s vertical wind generator is a unique model that functions effectively at a wind speed as low as 1.3 m/s. Unlike traditional horizontal wind turbines, Artem’s generator captures wind from any direction and operates silently. The generator utilizes a DC collector electric motor as its power source, integrated with a charging module, switches, a solar panel, and a lithium-polymer battery.

Artem explained that his invention boasts a lower starting force requirement compared to its horizontal counterparts. Its compact and mobile design allows for versatile installation options, including rooftops and balconies of buildings.

The young innovator’s creation not only showcases his ingenuity but also highlights advancements in renewable energy technology suitable for diverse environmental conditions.

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